Anthony Hill

This is just where I'm going to put my projects so I can show them off to my friends.

Project Euler

Unity Coin Collecting game

This was created in my graphics class with two other students during my study exchange in Beijing Jiaotong University (北京交通大学). It is a single player game with the goal of exploring and collecting as many coins as possible.

Evolutionary Maze AI

Play it HERE

Check out the code on github.

Android Apps

I cba jumping through Googles hoops to put/keep my apps in the play store.

Dice Emulator (specifically for Smash Up)


Goal: run in the Boston Marathon


  • Casablanca, MoroccoJan 2020 (1 week)
  • Minsk, BelarusJuly 2019 (1 week)
  • Hong KongSept 2018 (1 week)
  • Beijing, ChinaSept 2017 (4.5 months)
  • Paris, France & London, EnglandDuring highschool (1 or 2 weeks)